If you are into the crafting social media world (my guess is you are because you’re here, reading our blog), you have probably come across artwork done by quilling. Quilling is the use of strips of paper cut, shaped, rolled and glued together to create a piece of art. It is such a fun hobby, and we have been using our Silhouette machines to create our own strips of paper for quilling. That way we can get the exact color combinations and sizes that we want for every piece we are working on. Keep reading to see how you can make your own project!

Supplies Needed:

Step One: Design in Silhouette Studio®

1. Start by selecting the initial you would like to quill around. We went with the letter “S” for Silhouette!

2. Increase the line size of your letter to 1.00 and change the line color to a light grey.

3. Center the letter in your design field.

4. Begin placing your floral designs around the letter.

5. Select the Eraser tool. Carefully start erasing the overlapping lines from the inside of your initial.

6. When your initial is free from interior lines, group the designs together. You can do this by selecting all of the designs, right-clicking, and selecting Group from the drop-down menu. Make sure all the lines are changed to 1.00 and light grey in color.

Step Two: Cut the Paper for Quilling

1. Using the draw a rectangle tool, create a long thin rectangle and duplicate it until your paper is filled.

2. Using the Transform panel, space the rectangles equally apart.

3. Send the design to your machine to cut using the colors of paper of your choosing.

Step Three: Print Your Guide

1. Send your design to your printer and print it on firm cardstock.

Step Four: Outline and Fill Your Designs

1. Using your paper strips cut and glue them along the your design.

2. Using the the many different quilling techniques, curl, roll, snip and glue your paper pieces to your cardstock.

There are endless ways to use the quilling process. And now endless strips of paper can be cut to make your custom work even more uniquely yours. What new project are you looking forward to trying? Let us know in the comments below.