Looking for a quick and easy Valentine’s Day project? Did your kids tell you last minute that their Valentine’s Day party at school is tomorrow? No worries—your Silhouette Mint has your back! Here’s a simple “How-To” that will save your Valentine’s Day in a hurry! 😉


  • Silhouette Mint Stamp Sheet 45 in. x 90 in.
  • Silhouette Mint Stamp Sheet 15 in. x 60 in.
  • Silhouette Mint Ink Red
  • Silhouette Mint Ink Pink
  • Silhouette Mint Ink Black
  • Design ID #53569 “Valentine” Word
  • Design ID #72389 “You are A-maze-ing Valentine Phrase”
  • Design ID #143690 “PN Peanut Butter and Honey” Font
  • Assorted colored Cardstock


Open up a new file in Mint Studio.

Select stamp size 45 in. x 90 in. in the Stamp Settings window.

Open Design ID #72389 “You are A-maze-ing Valentine Phrase” and Design ID #53569 “Valentine” Word.

Re-size the designs to fit your stamp size.

Once your satisfied with your design, send to the Mint. The software will automatically flip the design for you. Insert your stamp sheet and watch the magic begin!

For your next stamp, open up a new file in Mint Studio and select stamp size 15 in. x 60 in. in the Stamp Settings window.

Using the text tool, type “To:” and “Love:” and drag to fit your stamp. I used Design ID #143690 “PN Peanut Butter and Honey” for my Font.

Using the line tool, drag to create two writing guidelines. This is optional but may help little ones fill in their Valentines. 🙂


Once your satisfied with your design, send to the Mint.



Once both stamps are ready for ink, peel the adhesive backing from your stamp base and apply your stamp.

Select your ink colors (I chose black, red and pink.)

Ink up your stamps. Let the ink sit for around 10 minutes to soak into your stamp.

This will be enough ink to last for an entire class worth of Valentines! 😉


Once you’ve stamped off the excess ink on a scrap piece of paper, you can start stamping away!

In no time, you have a special hand-made Valentine sure to impress every kid in class.

Silhouette Mint saves Valentine’s Day in a hurry!